Tuesday, August 6, 2013

He Said What?

This has been a week of homeless people Wowing us .. on Friday, I was at a stoplight and a homeless guy (quite young and possibly quite cute under all the dirt) had a huge sign which read, and I quote, “Got a Room and Blow – Spare Change for Hookers?”

I had a little giggle to myself, he was being quite original and a little greedy – “Hookers”, plural, he won't make do with just one, naughty boy. You don’t see that everyday and it’s a bit of a change from “Need money for cigarettes..” or “Will work for Food”, when you know they won’t.

Then, just this morning my other kitten here was walking in downtown and a homeless man serenaded her with “Get your f**king c**t moving…” I’m not sure how slow she was walking but she mentioned she felt ever so glamorous - someone acknowledging her c**t at that time in the morning is uplifting, to say the least. And a stranger too! Although she did put a bit more pace into her step around about that time.

I wonder where homeless people go to learn their trade, hobo humor as it were, is there a school for tramps with lessons in insults and sign making. Abuse 101, Buffoonery 101, Signage and How to Make a Statement…?

What’s the worst insult you have received from a homeless person? Have you ever seen a sign that made you grin? And really, is it so wrong to think of a homeless man as cute?

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