Friday, October 11, 2013

Hot... and a Bit Bothered!


As most ladies know, you either have curly hair that you hate, or you have straight hair - that you hate!  Either way, nobody is satisfied.  I am one of the straight hair brigade, so straight in fact that if I only blow dried it I would look like I had straw sitting on my head.  In fact, that’s unkind to straw – straw has more body.  So it is with regret that I have to use a curling iron/tongs every day, no matter what.  And here’s the thing…. Ladies, if you are going to curl your hair with an iron and you are in the least bit clumsy be very careful. 

There I was just last week getting ready for work, not in any particular hurry, standing before the mirror in my knickers (only my knickers) and curling my hair.  Now, I’m not the most coordinated person at times, mornings being worse, so as I’m standing there, breasts exposed to the world (or at least to my bathroom) I drop the curling iron…. Yes, I said it, I DROPPED IT!  And where in the world would you think it would land… on the floor?  In the sink? On the counter?  Oh no…. the bloody thing landed right on my left breast…!  Oh shit you might say…. Well that and ‘Ouch’ were not the only words I muttered at that moment.  There may have been a slight scream as well.

I’m quite proud of my breasts, a perfect 36C with cute little nipples.  However, for the last week, I’ve had to have a bandage thingy over the one side so that I don’t get a scar.  Trust me, that doesn’t look too good when you’re wearing a low cut top.  However, my man has taken quite a liking to playing doctor and applying ointment to the burn a few more times a day than is actually necessary.  I could quite get used to all this attention.   I just hope I don't get a massive scar that will ruin those perfect globes because that would bother me.

Oh, and have I mentioned I have a naked cruise coming up in a few weeks... how inconvenient! 

Have you ever burned a private part?  What is the most embarrasing thing you've damaged as a result of your own clumsiness or stupidity?


Miss Kittie 

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